Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting Started in Homeschooling

Boy, the resources available today for those interested in schooling at home are endless. Back in the early days when I was first starting out, we had a tougher time finding like minded parents. But just as that was a good place to start back then, it remains the best place to start now.

If you are the parents of young ones, preschool age, finding other homeschool families is a good first step.
The amount of encouragement and advice you will get from other families learning at home, is invaluable to making the first big step and deciding to school at home.

If you can find a support group that meets near you, go ahead and join before your kids are school aged. When my oldest was four, I joined our first group. It felt great to be with others who could guide me on what  steps I needed to take legally to homeschool and also good resources for curriculum.

Preschool at home, supplemented with play dates and other activities is simple to achieve. Children learn so much just following you along in your day and helping when they can.

Make learning a part of play, offer some craft time and pick up some workbooks for preschoolers. Right now with a four year old I spend about 15-20 minutes a day on workbook activities and practice in writing and making sure she knows her letters and the beginnings of reading. Literally this is it. If a child is not interested, don't force it. Once my little one looses interest we are done. I have readied all four kids for school this way and they were well prepared. Play that includes pointing out letters and sounds is learning that they are not even aware of.


Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Good post Elaine!
2 very good starter points...
~Support Group
~Learning IN Play time.

I was a little nervous--setting out to home school a second *litter*...:) but, I've come to see in just (almost) 2 weeks, that just by having a little bit of structured table time...and re-inforcing what we learn there during play time, GOES A LONG WAY.
I was so excited today, after Easton fell asleep-- Weston say "Ok Oma, let's write on paper."
2 reasons: Weston will be 5 this week (and He is finally talking and engaging in conversation)
and... He equates writing with FUN!

of course Bree is your Q's age and a she is all for it!
I'm having a blast.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...


This is the same approach I take to those preschool years as well. I always say my kids have learned so much in spite of me, just all in a natural day's learning opportunities. :)
