Thursday, January 10, 2013

Welcome and My Story

Welcome to Sunny Simple Homeschool. I have been blogging for a few years over at Sunny Simple Life and love it but decided to start another blog specific to homeschooling. I have been a homeschool mom for 18 years. I have four children 22, 18, 15 and four. My oldest have since gone on to college and one has graduated. My third child is in high school and next year I will officially begin again with my youngest.

I have run the gamut of curriculum, been a maverick and always compiled my own course work and filed all my own affidavits with the state. For most of the older girls lives, I also worked though now I am a stay at home mom. I thought I could share our journey and what I have learned along the way.

When we began homeschooling I knew no one who also homeschooled. It was frowned upon and looked down on by many in my family and lots of our friends. These days it is so much more accepted as the kids that have grown up and graduated have proved this is a viable and wonderful way to educate children.

So I will share my new journey at 45, starting over again and what I will do differently but also will share what I have learned bringing older kids up all the way through graduation and onto college. I have learned a lot over the years but I have never ever been sorry we did it this way. This is a wonderful way of life and that is exactly what it is.

Feel free to leave me comments and questions if you have anything specific you would like me to address. I know when I first began, the older moms in the group were a life line and constant reassurance. Thanks for stopping in and so begins a new journey for me.

Sharing with:
ABC and 123


Barbara F. said...

Never having been blessed with children, I so enjoy learning from moms. I am interested in the idea of home schooling. It was something that wasn't done when I was growing up, at least not in my area. xo

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

Hello Elaine,

You go girl! What a great idea starting this blog.
Have no children...Thanks to homeschooling I learned how to read at age 5! Way before starting school...

P.S. My Mom was awesome! :o) And so are you!


Sunny Simple Life said...

Gabriela that is awesome. It is such a wonderful way to learn don't you think? I never regretted it. And Barbara thank you so much for coming by.

Barbara F. said...

I get such a kick out of Q., she is your "Mini Me"! xo

Unknown said...

Looking forward to following your journey! I'm at the tale end of my homeschooling adventures. My oldest is 27 (then 25, 19) and my youngest is 15 and we've been homeschooling for 20 years -- only a few more years left

It is such a different world from when I started -- just the technology alone is so different! When I think of when I first started homeschooling in the early 90's -- no cell phones, no netflix, few personal computers at home, home internet was rare, few homeschool "classes", members of our group kept in touch with monthly meetings and a phone chain, and the only way to "see" much homeschooling "resources" was to go to a convention exhibit hall -- otherwise everything was word of mouth and often purchased sight unseen by mail order. It has all changed so much!

JCDiTaranto said...

Good luck with your new blog! I'm not a homeschooler, but with your experience I'm sure you're going to be a tremendous help to a lot of families on the homeschooling path. Best wishes to you!

Stephanie @ The Cozy Old Farmhouse said...

Yay! I'm so happy and excited that you started this blog! I will definitely be following along and soaking up any and all info you can provide. I'm homeschooling my pre-schooler and plan to continue at least through Kindergarten just because of circumstances. I haven't decided beyond that yet, but it's a very strong possibility that I will stick with it. I do enjoy it, and it's an awesome feeling to know that you taught your child to read (she was reading simple words at age 3 and now at 5 reads on a 2nd grade level). I have my two year old join us for a little bit of the table time and he already knows his colors and shapes, and can sort things by size. It's a neat feeling to know that I taught them all of that. Can't wait to see what you share!

Anonymous said...

So glad you've started this, I'll be looking forward to each post. Mine are in 10th and 7th right now so I'm sure you'll have helpful ideas for me. Mary

Unknown said...

Just curious- how do you teach applicable technologies? I work in a public school and we have (and teach 3rd grade on up) how to use/make- powerpoints, videos, Smartboards, eBooks, etc. How do you add that aspect? I'm not a teacher, but a librarian BTW. Do you teach dewey decimal and genres ? :)

Anonymous said...

Elaine, sounds wonderful. I'm a retired homeschool mom/teacher too. Isn't it wonderful that we can now sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor? Blessings.

Unknown said...

Thank you! I have just started homeschooling my 5 year old. I have so many questions. I can't wait to follow your blog.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This is a wonderful way to share info with others that home school. I home schooled 2 of my sons in the '80s! Wow! That sounds like a long time ago! I loved it and know my sons learned so much more at home. Both of my sons have college degrees and are very successful. Looks like you'll have a good following on this blog! Way to go!

Sarah said...

Great idea, Elaine. I'll pop in on occasion. No children here. ;-)

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Wow! Your oldest and my youngest are the same age! youngest is starting Nursing School tomorrow!!! and I have her two boys and my other little grand-daughter. Both my SIL's, the kids daddies, want me to homeschool them and trust me to do this. Of course, my daughter's do too... so I'm excited about it! But scared. They are my grandbabies...not my children!

I can't wait to follow along. Your Q and my Bree are the same age girls too!
It will be fun. Pat

Sunny Simple Life said...

Nancy my oldest girls took a powerpoint class many years ago from the city. Long before the schools were even requiring it. It was so funny too because they didn't want to keep going because they said the teacher had bad breath. Poor kids. But they got it down. We were always avid users of the library and we used many homeschool classes outside of the home as they got into the upper grades. They seem to have done well with the computer classes as my 2nd daughter started college at 16 and at 18 is a computer science major. I really farmed them out to other teachers for highschool math, science and the like. There are so many great resources out there these days.

Eppie Doodle said...

Good Morning, Elaine;
My husband and I are big home school fans for our four grandsons. We have totally supported their parents decision. They have been blessed in that the states where they have lived have strong home school programs with family networks, both in academics and sports. I am so glad you are beginning this blog. It is a wonderful way for others to learn how great home schooling is for the family.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Hi Elaine,

I just figured up the other day that by the time I finish homeschooling Luke all the way through, it will be 33 years of my life! :) We officially started when Colt was in kindergarten (although we were really homeschooling before and I didn't "call it that"). I wouldn't trade it for anything!
